Friday, 29 January 2010

iGoogle page image - finally

Here is my iGoogle home page in all its glory:

Firefox finds favour

I've finally downloaded and installed Firefox and made it my default browser. Hope this will improve the performance of Blogger, which has been a little erratic in IE.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Getting the hang of this now

I'm growing to love my iGoogle homepage, and this evening I seached for a gadget (widget?) which would allow me to post to my blog from my iGoogle page - and found one! This is my first test post from said gadget ...

Monday, 25 January 2010

The difficult second post

Just time to write a second post before Nurse Jackie.
Creating the Google ID was simple last week - I discovered that I already had one! I think I created it when I had to use Google Docs in connection with my work with the Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries (ALDL).
Creating the iGoogle page was a breeze, although I'm not sure including the gadget "Bash my Computer" (translated from the Spanish, apparently) was a good idea. Took a while to get rid of it, too. Note to self: Must evaluate these gadgets more carefully in future.
I've used Delicious as my home page for the past few months, so it's nice to have a change - and there's a gadget to include Delicious on the iGoogle page, so it's a win-win situation.

Deja vu

Another year, another blog. I wonder if I will continue with this one for longer than I did with my previous effort, created on the Oxford libraries' Web 2.0 day on 27 March 2008? The only Web 2.0 tools I have really embraced since that eye-opening day are Facebook, Library Thing and Delicious. Come to think of it, that's not bad going. And I even bought an ISBN scanner for use with Library Thing, and have added >300 of my books (see One of my cats enjoyed a short but intense period of tweeting on Twitter, but in the end he found typing with his paws just too difficult - and his online feline friends kept inviting him to join their gang in Mafia Wars!
I confess I got hopelessly confused with my Google accounts, created under different email addresses, and have discovered that it's not possible to merge two acocunts into one - hence the brand-new blog. In case you're wondering, I've deleted the old account - it would have been too confusing. I did discover one interesting thing whilst attempting to sort out my Google accounts, which I will record here for posterity. To delete a Google account, go to My Account and click "edit" to the right of My products. On the next screen you get the option to "Remove Web History Permanently". (Alternatively, try the Web 2.0 Suicide Machine to erase your online identity or identities at - not sure I should be blogging about this during 23 Things Oxford, but hey.) I think that's enough for one day.