Friday, 5 March 2010

Likin' gettin' LinkedIn

I had been vaguely aware of LinkedIn as a sort of Facebook-for-grown-ups. I guess it took this week's Thing 14 to make me realise that I am a grown-up and should perhaps spend more time developing my career and less time milking cows in Farmville. (Actually, I don't participate in Farmville, Mafia Wars and most of the other games and silliness in Facebook. Those aspects of social networking don't appeal to me at all - although I do admit to taking the odd quiz and I like the lists.)
After creating my LinkedIn account I initially attempted to link up with the Oxford people suggested and with other Oxford people, by inputting their email addresses. The next day, it occurred to me that I should cast my net wider (doh!), and I started searching for uni friends - and found some easily. Today I had another thought, and will start looking for some of the friends and contacts in the States and Canada that I've got to know via work over the years.
Whether I will ever need to use LinkedIn for business purposes remains to be seen. Watch this space ...

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